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/ Amiga Format CD 48 / Amiga Format CD48 (1999-12-13)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 2000-01].iso / -screenplay- / hd_installers / -whdload- / whdload_dev / whdload_dev.readme < prev    next >
Text File  |  1999-11-01  |  7KB  |  127 lines

  1. Short:    HD-Installer for OS-Killer
  2. Author:   wepl@kagi.com (Bert Jahn)
  3. Uploader: wepl@kagi.com (Bert Jahn)
  4. Version:  10.4
  5. Type:     dev/misc
  6. Requires: OS V2.0 (V37+)
  8. Developer package to create Harddisk-Installs for programs which kill
  9. the operating system.
  11. This package also includes all stuff from the 'usr' package, therefore
  12. it's obsolete to get the 'usr' package if you download this.
  14. Features:
  15.  - easy programable API (example sources are included)
  16.  - compatibility with all m68k processors ('000-'060)
  17.  - memory protection using MMU (if available)
  18.  - developing/debugging support
  19.  - a lot of wisdom build in ;)
  20.  - and more ....
  22. Assembler capabilities are required for development using WHDLoad.
  24. Demos a install package already exists for:
  25.     Anarchy_DejuVu, Andromeda_Mirror, Andromeda_Multica,
  26.     Andromeda_Sequential, Animators_Iraq, Axis_BigTimeSensuality,
  27.     BnK_StagSeries, Budbrain_Megademo2, Carrilon_LoveAndAnarchy,
  28.     Complex_Origin, CrionicsSilents_Hardwired, Crusaders_AudioX,
  29.     Crusaders_Bacteria, Crusaders_FantasticArt, Crusaders_MicroConcept,
  30.     Crusaders_SweetMusic, Deform_Deformations, Delight_Explorer,
  31.     FlyingCows_ProSIAK, Kefrens_DANE, Kefrens_DesertDream,
  32.     Kefrens_GuardianDragon, Kefrens_GuardianDragon2, LSD_JesusOnEs,
  33.     MadElks_TechnologicalDeath, MahoneyKaktus_HisMastersN,
  34.     MahoneyKaktus_SoundsOfGnome, MelonDesign_HumanTarget,
  35.     MelonDezign_Baygon, MelonDezign_How2SkinACat, MelonDezign_PlanetM,
  36.     Motion_Bomb, Nemol_BoundlessVoid, Nova_PastelVanilla, Oxygene_Control,
  37.     Ozone_ShedTears, PMC_AlphaAndOmega, Phenomena_Enigma,
  38.     Rage_MaximumOverdrive2, Rednex_Emptyhead, Reflect_SoundVision,
  39.     Sanity_Arte, Sanity_Jesterday, Sanity_NotAgain, Sanity_Roots,
  40.     Sanity_Roots2, Sanity_WorldOfCommodore, Scoopex_2Unlimited,
  41.     Scoopex_Iso, Silents_Soulkitchen, Spaceballs_9fingers,
  42.     Spaceballs_MobileDestinationUnknown, Spaceballs_Spasmolytic,
  43.     Spaceballs_StateOfTheArt, Spaceballs_Wayfarer, TTF_Voyage,
  44.     Tilt_Impulse2, Upfront_PlasticPassion, Vision_MegaDemo4,
  45.     Wildfire_InFullAffect, XYMOX_WindItUp
  47. Games a install package already exists for:
  48.     APB, AbandonedPlaces, ActionFighter, AdvancedSkiSimulator,
  49.     AfterBurner, Aladdin, AlienBreedSE92, AlienBreedStory, AlienStorm,
  50.     AmericanGladiators, AnotherWorld, Apidya, Aquanaut, ArcadeTriviaQuiz,
  51.     ArcherMacleanPool, Archipelagos, Arkanoid, Arkanoid2, Armalyte,
  52.     ArmourGeddon, ArmyMoves, AssassinSE, AtomicRoboKid, Atomix, BAT, BAT2,
  53.     BCKid, BSSJaneSeymour, BackToTheFuture2, BackToTheFuture3, Badlands,
  54.     BangkokKnights, BartVsTheWorld, Batman, BatmanTheMovie, BattleCommand,
  55.     BattleShips, BattleSquadron, Beast, Beast2, BeastBusters, Beavers,
  56.     Betrayal, BeyondTheIcePalace, BigRun, BionicCommando, BloodMoney,
  57.     Bloodwych, BobsBadDay, BombJack, Bombuzal, BrutalPawsOfFury,
  58.     BurningRubber, CJInTheUSA, CannonFodder2, Captive, CarVup,
  59.     CarlLewisChallenge, CarrierCommand, CastleMaster, CatchEm,
  60.     CelticLegends, ChambersOfShaolin, ChaosEngine, CharlieJCool, ChaseHQ2,
  61.     ChuckYeagerAFT2, CiscoHeat, Cliffhanger, CloudKingdoms, ClownOMania,
  62.     Colgate, Colorado, Commando, Conqueror, ContinentalCircus, CoolSpot,
  63.     CoolWorld, Corporation, CoverGirl, CrazyCars3, Creatures, CrimeWave,
  64.     CrystalKingdomDizzy, CurseOfEnchantia, CyberEmpires, Cyberball,
  65.     Cyberblast, Cybercon3, Cybernoid, Cyberpunks, Cytron, Dandare3,
  66.     DangerousStreets, Darkman, DaysOfThunder, DeathOrGlory, DeepSpace,
  67.     Deflektor, Deliverance, Deuteros, DieHard2, Doodlebug, DoubleDragon3,
  68.     DrMario, DragonStoneCD, Dragonflight, Dragonscape, Dragonstone,
  69.     Dynamo, DynastyWars, EaglesRider, EddTheDuck, Elfmania, Elite,
  70.     ElviraArcade, Encounter, Entity, Epic, EscapeFromThePlanet, Exolon,
  71.     Exterminator, EyeOfHorus, F16CombatPilot, F19StealthFighter, F1Racing,
  72.     F1WorldChampionship, F29Retaliator, FatmanTheCapedConsumer, Fears,
  73.     FinalBlow, FinalFight, FirstSamurai, FistFighter, FlimbosQuest,
  74.     FlinkCD, FlipItAndMagnose, FreakOut, Fred, FullContact, FutureTank,
  75.     G-LOC, Galaxy89, GalaxyForce2, Gauntlet2, Gauntlet3, GemX, GeminiWing,
  76.     GhostBattle, GhostBusters2, GianaSisters, GlobalGladiators, Globdule,
  77.     Globulus, Goal, Godfather, Gods, GoldOfTheAztecs, GoldenAxe,
  78.     GrandMonsterSlam, Gremlins2, HardDrivin, HeadOverHeels, Heimdall,
  79.     HelterSkelter, HeroQuest, HillStreetBlues, HollywoodPokerPro,
  80.     HudsonHawk, HumanKillingMachine, Hunter, Hybris, Hydra, IK+, Ilyad,
  81.     IndianaJones, Indianapolis500, IndyHeat, Infestation, InsectsInSpace,
  82.     InternationalTruckRacing, Interphase, Invest, Italy1990, Ivanhoe,
  83.     JaguarXJ220, JamesPond3, JetSetWilly2, JimPower,
  84.     JimmyWhitesWhirlwindSnooker, JohnMaddenFootball, Jug, JumpingJackSon,
  85.     JurassicPark, Katakis, KidGloves2, KillingGameShow, Klax, Knightmare,
  86.     KrustysSFH, LastActionHero, LastDuel, LastNinja2, LastNinja3, Legend,
  87.     LethalWeapon, LethalXcess, LineOfFire, Lionheart, LittlePuff,
  88.     LiveAndLetDie, Llamatron, LordsOfChaos, Lotus2, MERCS, MUDS, MagicBoy,
  89.     Manix, MasterBlazer, MatrixMarauders, McDonaldLand, MeanMachine,
  90.     MegaLoMania, Mercenary, Mercenary2, Mercenary3, MetalLaw, MetalMutant,
  91.     MiamiChase, MicroproseSoccer, MidnightResistance, Midwinter,
  92.     Mig29SovietFighter, MonsterBusiness, Moonstone, MrNutz, Myth, Narc,
  93.     NaughtyOnes, NavyMoves, NavySeals, Nebulus, Nebulus2, Necronom,
  94.     NightHunter, Nightdawn, NinjaRemix, NinjaWarriors, Nitro,
  95.     NorthAndSouth, Obitus, Obliterator, OneStepBeyond, Onslaught,
  96.     OperationFirestorm, OperationThunderbolt, Ork, Oscar, OutOfThisWorld,
  97.     OutRun, OutrunEurope, Overkill, PPHammer, Pang, Paradroid90,
  98.     ParasolStars, Pegasus, Perihelion, PinballFantasies, Pinkie,
  99.     Pitfighter, Plague, Plotting, Powermonger, PowermongerWW1, Powerstyx,
  100.     Predator2, Projectyle, Pushover, Putty, Quadralien, RType, RVFHonda,
  101.     RainbowWarrior, Rambo3, RanX, Realms, Reflexity, Renegade,
  102.     Resolution101, RevengeCamels, RevengeOfDefender, RoboCop, RoboCop2,
  103.     RoboCop3, Rockford, RocknRoll, Rodland, RollOrDie, Rotor, Rubicon,
  104.     Ruffian, SWIV, SaintDragon, Sarakon, Satan, SecondSamurai, Sentinel,
  105.     SevenGatesOfJambala, SeymourHollywood, ShadowLands, ShadowWarriors,
  106.     Shadoworlds, Shaq-Fu, SharkeysMoll, Shinobi, Simulcra,
  107.     SlySpySecretAgent, SoccerKid, SonicBoom, SpaceAce, SpaceHarrier2,
  108.     SpeedBuggy, Spherical, SpindizzyWorlds, SpiritOfAdventure, StackUp,
  109.     Starblade, Starglider2, SteelEmpire, StoneAge, Stormball, Stormlord,
  110.     Stratego, StreetFighter, Stryx, Subtrade, SuperHangOn, SuperOffroad,
  111.     SuperSeymour, Supremacy, SurfNinjas, SuspiciousCargo, SwordOfHonour,
  112.     SwordOfSodan, Terminator2-Arcade, TheOath, TheSwordAndTheRose,
  113.     ThomasTankEngine, ThomasTankEngine2, ThunderBlade, ThunderCats,
  114.     Thunderbirds, Thunderhawk, Thunderstrike, TimeMachine,
  115.     TintinOnTheMoon, Toki, Toobin, TotalCarnage, TotalRecall,
  116.     TowerOfBabel, TowerToppler, Transplant, TrexWarrior, Trolls,
  117.     TurnNBurn, Turrican, Turrican2, Turrican3, Tusker, TwinWorld, UltimaV,
  118.     Universe, Unreal, Untouchables, Uridium2, Utopia, VampiresEmpire,
  119.     VenusTheFlytrap, VideoKid, VikingChild, Violator, Virus, VitalLight,
  120.     Voyager, Vroom, VroomMultiplayer, WARP, Warhead, Whizz, Wicked,
  121.     WildStreets, WingsOfDeath, WinterOlympics, WizNLiz, Wizball,
  122.     WorldClassSoccer, WorldsOfLegend, WrathOfTheDemon, Wreckers,
  123.     Xenomorph, Xenon2, Xybots, YolkfolkDizzy, Zarathrusta, Zeewolf,
  124.     Zeewolf2, ZoneWarrior
  126. Thanks and Greetings to all WHDLoad People!